
1) Why did you decide to get into this industry?


It’s a joy to me every time I get to be on set, collaborating with creative individuals to create a film! I want to use film to bring people closer, make them see wonders, feel, touch, and experience moments that makes us human.


2) What’s a defining moment in your life?


I’ve always known that somehow, sometime I’ll be going out from Malaysia to pursue something deeper. But I never knew what it was until 2016 when I had to self taught myself camera usage for my job. I felt really natural with the camera, as if it was in tune to my soul! I was still doubtful then because I wasn’t ready to pack and leave. When I traveled solo to Australia, the journey activated a switch in me! The desire to pursue film was so strong, that I decided to go for it. So, I flew to USA.

Director: @liinhtrnn, DP: @annvfilms


3) What is your biggest concern with the future?


Not knowing where I’ll be! USA is truly my home now and I’ll be devastated if I have to leave my friends whom are very much like my family here. Though I may worry about that, I’m learning to take each day one step at a time and see what unfolds for me.


4) What is a successful moment in your career so far?


I just finished wrapping a MFA Thesis shoot! It was my first full length shoot that I DP-ed for. It was also the first time that I have creativity over pre-production to production. And one of the best crew members I can ever ask for!

Director: @zuckertalert | Prod: @iammaalikfalsetto


5) What advice do you have for other women in the industry?


Be “aggressive” in learning! A friend told me this once and I repeat this to myself every time I’m fearful! Say yes to a job even though you don’t know how to do it, only then you are forcing yourself to pick up that skill. Many times you’ll feel “weak” because you’ve to constantly ask for help from others, but that doesn’t make you “weak”. It just shows that you’re a team player, and no one works alone in this industry!

Photo: @lydiarosa15


6) What, if anything, do you collect?


I collect postcards and posters. Sometimes I give them away randomly to show my friends appreciation from my heart!

Director: @akshibly


7) What are you working on next? In addition, if people want to find out more about you, where can they find you on social media?


I’m going to focus more on sharpening my skills for roles in the camera department. I would love to do more 1st AC, 2nd AC and Cam Op roles if possible!

You can find me on instagram @annvfilms
And my website for more projects: www.voonann.com

Photo: @_blackunicorndp

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